Online Gaming Should Be Fun and Safe, for Boys AND Girls

COVID accelerated the growth of online gaming, as lockdown kept people at home and limited to socially-distanced diversions. But harassment and hate, fueled by sexism and small-mindedness, lurk in the dark corners of the enterprise. Girls and women can pay an extra, cruel price for just wanting to play, and it’s clearly something we should be committing to make right.

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Left Out by Design, or How the STEM Gender Gap Leads to Lousy Products

Too few women participating on design teams leads to too many products that work for only half the population. From seat belts to medicine to protective clothing, goods meant for general use have long been designed with just men in mind. Closing the STEM gender gap can help remedy this kind of design failure.

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Arab Women Make a Charge into Engineering

U.S women continue to stay away from engineering in droves. Arab women are flocking to the field in ever-greater numbers. What can we learn from the Middle East about closing the gender gap in engineering?

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Ada Lovelace and Satya Nadella, Sittin' in a Tree ...

Satya Nadella tells women not to ask for raises, says trust the "system." Then takes it all back. Ada Lovelace chuckles knowingly. Could any moment more perfectly capture the current, fraught complexity of women's place in the world of computing?

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The Problem with the "Pipeline"

Pipelines are dank, dark, generally inhospitable places. As a dominant image and mindset in engineering outreach about bringing girls into engineering, "pipeline" does the field no favors. But new approaches people are using to draw more women into engineering are paying off.

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