Introduce engineering to elementary school kids with DREAM, INVENT, CREATE!

Dream, Invent, Create

For outreach, in the classroom, after school, and anywhere kids are learning about engineering!

Teachers approve — the National Science Teachers Association has chosen Dream, Invent, Create to be an NSTA Recommends© book. "I think your book is outstanding. It is never too early to share engineering with our students. I like how you highlight a category of engineers on each page… I look forward to purchasing copies of this book for our second grade team."

Jeffrey Patterson
Science Curriculum Coordinator, Norman Public Schools
Oklahoma City, OK

Dream, Invent Create is a fun, engaging introduction to the wide world of engineering. It shows elementary school kids how engineering is all around them now — and how it could be in their future.

  • The first 32 pages refer to the many disciplines of engineering, using colorful and whimsical illustrations and fun, engaging poetry and rhymes.

  • Kids will learn that engineers create rockets, sky scrapers, video games, robots, sports equipment and much more. 

  • They will see that engineering is all around us, and that engineers make the world a better place.

  • Fun facts about each type of engineering discipline wrap around the borders of the pages, providing more information for more advanced readers. 

  • Following these pages are three interactive pages: A scavenger hunt to find items in the illustrations of the book, a word search puzzle, and a crossword puzzle. Each interactive page is incrementally harder, providing a challenge for kids ages seven through eleven.

  • In addition, there's a page called "Think About It" with many thought-provoking questions to spark discussions about the role of engineering in our lives. Two creative writing assignments are also included. Educators could use this page in the classroom or as a part of after-school activities. 

  • The book ends with a simple, hands-on engineering activity (using common kitchen products) that anyone can take part in!

Read a review by Purdue University:

While practicing engineering skills is important, so is understanding the challenges engineers tackle. With Dream, Invent, Create: Engineer the World by Start Engineering, explore the world through technological achievements and the problems engineers are currently facing. Help the children in your life to understand the context of engineering and how they can use engineering to solve real-world issues with this engaging educational book. ― Erica Corbeels, Purdue Reviewer


Dream, Invent, Create anchors our
Career Awareness Program for Elementary School kids.

An all-in-one, no-training-necessary program for elementary educators to introduce kids to the possibilities and rewards that come with a career in engineering. With schools all across the country requiring career awareness and engineers always in need, the DIC Career Awareness Program can help educators make engineering come alive for students of all interests and backgrounds. With a Guide for Teachers and Student Workbook, available in print or digital formats.


Take a tour of the book below — watch the video, then see what the pages look like.

Read here what other teachers are saying about Dream, Invent, Create, too. Then see what other teachers are doing with the book in their classrooms.

For bulk orders or a digital sample, please email Bob Black.
